primary health team

We specialize in engaging and caring for all of our patient needs, drastically reducing hospital utilization and costs

Dr. Roosevelt T Jackson, MD

Family Care, Addiction and Ophthalmology

Dr. Shanice Armstrong, DNP FNP-BC

Family Care, STD Counseling

Dr. Elmer Mosely, PharmD


Rosalyn James, CMA

Medical Clinical Manager

Sharon Jagessar

Medical Clinical Assistant

Inelia Perez, MA

Medical Assistant

Outreach Coordinator

behavioral health team

We specialize in engaging and caring for all of our patient needs, drastically reducing hospital utilization and costs

Michelle Mormino, BS

Substance Abuse Counselor

LeShaela " Shae" Williams

Admissions Director

Kaesue Ramdial

Housing Supervisor

Benji Faust

Information Technology Manager

Monique D Brown, PhD LMHC MCAP SAP CAd

Chief Executive Officer 

Mental Health & Substance Abuse



Desmond L Gilmore, LMHC

Clinical Director

Mental Health & Substance Abuse

Marjorie M Gillespie, PhD APRN-C PMHNP-BC MCAP

Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner 

Primary Health, Mental Health & Substance Abuse

William Hall, AS
Peer Specialist
Rosalyn C. James
Clinical Office Manager
Althea Walters, MS
Substance Abuse Counselor

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