“Sister Adjust Your Crown” Empowerment Brunch, has officially accomplished its 2023 Goal and that was to Empower, Encourage and Elevate the sisters in attendance. This event allowed the attendees as well as the panelists to add nuggets and dispose of garbage from their pocketbooks (yes, I know pocketbook is not appropriate grammar, 😂😂😂😂😂😂 but just continue reading). Although I was the host – I had incredible takeaways.
Panelist GC Gal Ladi March Goldwire, thank you for teaching me the true meaning of AUTHENTICITY. Ladi wowed the audience of Ladies on the true definition of being Beautifully Broken, and she shared her daily struggles, and how she unplugs and recharges to keep on her path of “Healing”. She exuberts Confidence, Fearlessness, and Beauty and she is passionate about the care of Mental Health especially for those that can’t speak up for themselves. I want to personally say “Thank you” for the silent gift you dropped in my pocketbook – “Strength”.
Panelist Coach Kenyatta Connaway perked the crowd up, from their lethargic stance (mind it, we were all full and hot 😂😂😂😂😂😂). But when Coach Kenyatta began breaking down Mental Mindset, she educated the attendees, on the importance of exercising your mind and body and what was the true definition of healthiness, and how it all begins with Reprogramming our thoughts and Saboteurs, our language and habits. She also provided gift prizes to her Mental Bootcamp, which teaches you about Intentionality, Consistency, and Physical and Mental growth. Thank you for the gift you dropped into my pocketbook – Consistency.
Panelist RaChun Jones, babyyyyyyyyyyyy she gave it to us Raw. RaChun is a Board Certified Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner. Listen Listen she truly broke down in layman’s terms just how our brain (mind) is the reason our body is attacked by diseases, and how we have to not only go to the doctor for our body but for our brain. She went further and gave the crowd a clear Outline of the importance of eating healthy, getting adequate sleep, and taking Folic Acid, things I never knew. She is a true G. O.A.T., well she and my NP- Dr. Barbara Bryant in this profession. Thank you for the gift you dropped into my pocketbook – Rest.
Panelist Terri Mayes Ferguson- is definitely a GEM, her spirit is so calming and inviting. You could feel her warming personality, engulf you. She educated the attendees on finding a Therapist, being open to Healing, and putting in the work. If you want to win you have to play. It’s important to have a Tribe, as Coach Kenyatta taught us The Warrior- The Teacher- The Healer, and The Visionary. Just make sure you add to that Tribe a Therapist. Thank you Terri for the gift you dropped into my pocketbook – Healing.
Thank you, panelists, for providing Confidence to those who may have came in broken and defeated, for Revealing our insecurities but Revitalizing each of us with hope, and for being present and observant of the attendees, using your GOD given power of breathing life into their spirits if only for a moment, each of you did just what I wanted but more than I expected and that was to Win the crowd but provided New-Found Nourishment that was Noteworthy to our Mental State.
Vendors- The vendors were the bomb, from Rosalyn James of All Things In One, with her collection of personal items, the talent from this young lady from cups to shoes, to mouse pads the works, is second to none. Ms. Valerie Eason-Everett with her all-natural juices, Sistaaaaaaaaaa that beet and ginger juice, all I’m going to say is hit her up, do you need a great way to relax and unwind well we had some candles and soaps by Lanae Herbert L Herb Candle Co & Amira Amor, now these candles and soaps, will be sure to take you to serenity, along with M&M Soaps Ria Frazier, her soaps smell so good, make you want to eat those things 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂.
Thank you to all the attendees for attending, being present, and trusting us to “Adjust Your Crown”. See you May 18, 2024, God’s Willing.
Signing Off!
Dr. Monique “Moe” Brown Faust 👑
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